Feel the PULSE of your employees
Pulse survey will help you More about PULS find out the current satisfaction of employees on certain topics. A survey can have up to 15 questions, which can be chosen from the questionnaire of a previously conducted Pulser survey or create your own
short survey It's a great tool to verify the success of the implementation of the action plan, the examination of changes within a certain department or topics that suddenly appeared. The specificity of PULS surveys is that they are conducted more often because they are not as comprehensive as the questionnaire in the Pulser survey, but focus exclusively on a specific topic, category, satisfaction segment or company department.

Why conduct a PULS survey?
Measuring the success of action plans
A warning system if there is a deviation in employee satisfaction
A warning system if there is a deviation in employee satisfaction

Features of the PULS survey
(more than once a year, periodically - eg monthly or quarterly)
Simply start the survey
Enter the details of the PULS survey (online / pen & paper / combined) and create questions - in addition to demographic questions, departments and locations, the survey can have up to 15 questions which can be selected from the Pulser research questionnaire or it is possible to create your own questions with different types of answers (free text input, one answer among the ones offered, several answers among the ones offered).
After creation, the survey starts with the date set in the application. According to the entered survey details, the respondents are sent a notification to fill out the survey, and if desired, a reminder.
The report is available immediately upon completion of surveys for online implementation, and for printed questionnaires upon receipt and entry of completed questionnaires. In the reports, the answers to each question and the associated comments are presented in detail. If the survey was formed by questions from the Pulser research questionnaire, a comparative presentation of the results of those questions is also given, and if the entire category of satisfaction was selected, eNPS and/or ESI, the overall assessment of the category, eNPS and ESI is presented in comparison with the results from the previously conducted Pulser research. Reports can be filtered by demographic questions, departments, locations and additional questions.